About Surrealium

The name "Surrealium" is a combination of the term "Surrealism" and "Laboratorium," the latter meaning a laboratory in Latin. Just as Surrealism began in the early 1920s as a revolutionary movement that aspired to meld the dream world with reality into a super-reality, Surrealium strives to bring new life to the genre. Situated on a tranquil island in the Baltic Sea, just an hour from Stockholm, Sweden, our atelier serves as a creative haven where the conventions of art are expanded and redefined.

Here, skilled artists employ both age-old techniques and the latest innovations to delve into the depths of the unconscious mind. Through their work, they create captivating, illogical scenes and dream-like sequences that challenge our perceptions of reality. Each piece, whether it be a jewel that acts as a modern talisman or a print that captures an elusive dream, is crafted to evoke the enigmatic and the unseen.

Launched in 2024, Surrealium initially focuses on jewelry and visual arts. Our resident artists are deeply committed to exploring and expanding the limits of creative expression within these mediums. They work not just to create art but to invite viewers into a dialogue with the abstract and the unseen.

Looking forward to 2025, we plan to extend our reach into fashion and interior design, guided by skilled lead artists who share our vision. This expansion is a natural progression of our mission, aiming to integrate the essence of the subconscious into more aspects of daily life and personal expression.

The Atelier

Just an hour by sea from Stockholm, Sweden, Surrealium's atelier resides on a secluded island, embodying a creative sanctuary within Swedish countryside cabins and converted boat sheds.

Surrealium offers gateways to explore the vast landscapes of our inner experiences and alternative realities. It's a journey that not only uncovers the true nature of reality but also opens doorways to other worlds, previously confined to dreams and subconscious explorations. Through our art, we invite you to traverse these realms, to engage deeply with the narratives that lie beneath the surface of the everyday.

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