Portals to Wonder

Our signature archival prints, rich in surrealism and mysticism, explore layers of existence. Limited to 50 editions per size, each comes with a signed and numbered certificate from the artist.

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Surrealium’s artworks are crafted through the Giclée process, meticulously applying millions of ink droplets onto hand-selected, matte 308 GSM archival paper. This technique ensures vibrant, unmatched color fidelity that comes alive under candlelight.

Limited to 50 Editions 𖦹 Limited to 50 Editions 𖦹 Limited to 50 Editions 𖦹 Limited to 50 Editions

Esoteric Art & Mysticism

In these artworks, symbolism serves as a portal to complex emotions and states, where an animal with human features may symbolize primal instincts, and a vast head above a world of strange creatures can represent consciousness observing thoughts. Each piece sparking a visual conversation with the unknown.

Ethereal Art & Cosmic Order

These artworks embody the essence of purity and spiritual transcendence, weaving mystical visions with serene encounters with inter-dimensional beings and glimpses into the vast cosmos. Each piece invites you to move beyond the physical, welcoming you into the profound tranquility of the ethereal universe.

Archival Paper

Sustainable and premium, each print is on heavy 320 GSM Hahnemühle Rag art paper for superior archival quality.

Museum Quality

Our Giclée prints excel with their superior color range and resolution, ensuring fidelity and depth that align with the highest gallery standards.

Limited Edition

Collectible, numbered prints, each with a certificate signed by the artist, affirming their unique value and rarity.

Ships in 2 Days

Quickly receive your art, dispatched within 48 hours and typically arriving worldwide in 3-5 days, ready to instantly elevate any space.

Framing Inspiration

To enhance the mystical feel of our artworks and emphasize their soulful essence, we recommend using vintage wooden frames made from natural materials. These choices complement the intricate details and depth of each piece, creating a harmonious blend of art and nature that accentuates the unique character of our creations.

Portals to Wonder 𖦹 Portals to Wonder 𖦹 Portals to Wonder 𖦹 Portals to Wonder 𖦹 Portals to Wonder

The Artist

Damian Ardestani, widely known as XOV.

Crafted in Solitude

We create our works in our private atelier, surrounded by 1800s art on a secluded island in the Baltic Sea, just an hour's boat ride from Stockholm, Sweden.

Worth Knowing

Surrealism is an artistic and literary movement that began in the early 1920s. It is best known for its visual artworks and writings. The aim of Surrealism is to "resolve the previously contradictory conditions of dream and reality into an absolute reality, a super-reality." This genre is characterized by the exploration of the unconscious mind through illogical scenes, bizarre juxtapositions, and dream-like sequences devoid of conventional logical consistency. Surrealists sought to challenge the conventional reality by undermining its seriousness through the absurd and the creation of a new kind of sense beyond the rational.

Artists like Salvador Dalí, René Magritte, and Max Ernst are prominent figures in this movement, utilizing vivid and imaginative imagery to explore ideas of personal psychology, myth, and the subconscious. In literature, Surrealist writers—such as André Breton, who penned the first Surrealist Manifesto in 1924—often used techniques such as automatic writing to express thoughts without the interference of rational filters.

Surrealism has deeply influenced various forms of art and thought by encouraging a break from the conventional in favor of the mysterious and the unknown.

The name "Surrealium" is inspired by the term "Surrealism" and "Laboratorium," the latter meaning a laboratory in Latin. Just as Surrealism began in the early 1920s as a revolutionary movement that aspired to meld the dream world with reality into a super-reality, Surrealium strives to bring new life to the genre by employing the latest techniques.

Art investment is a sophisticated market strategy that involves purchasing artworks for potential financial gain. The value of art can appreciate due to several factors such as the artist's increasing fame, market trends, historical importance, rarity, and overall demand. Investing in art is considered a way to diversify investment portfolios and hedge against market volatility.

Here’s how investing in art works at Surrealium:

  • Limited Edition Prints: We offer limited edition prints that are produced in small quantities to ensure exclusivity. Once an edition is sold out, no more prints of that design are produced, which can increase their rarity and potential value.
  • Authenticity and Collectibility: Each of our prints is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity, signed and numbered by the artist. This not only guarantees the artwork’s authenticity but also enhances its collectibility and potential resale value.
  • Value Appreciation: As the artist's reputation grows, or as prints become rarer, their value may increase. This appreciation is influenced by the artist's career development, exhibitions, awards, and recognition in the art community.
  • Investment Potential: By investing in a Surrealium print, you're acquiring an artwork that offers both aesthetic enjoyment and potential economic return. Our prints serve as an accessible entry point into the art investment world.

Investing in art through Surrealium allows you to enjoy the beauty of exclusive artworks while potentially enhancing your financial portfolio. Each piece is selected with an eye toward future appreciation, providing a tangible connection to the dynamic world of art investment.

All Surrealium prints are produced using Giclée, the gold standard for creating gallery-standard art prints. Giclée is regarded as the premier technology for producing high-end art prints. This method involves using sophisticated inkjet printing techniques to apply pigment-based inks onto archival paper. The term "Giclée," derived from the French word 'gicler' meaning "to squirt or spray," aptly describes the process where millions of ink droplets are sprayed onto the substrate to create images with rich, vibrant colors and sharp details.

Key Benefits of Giclée Prints:

  • Longevity: Giclée prints are renowned for their durability and resistance to fading. The archival quality of the inks and substrates used can ensure that the prints last for decades without losing their color integrity, making them a worthwhile investment for collectors and art lovers.
  • Quality and Resolution: Giclée printing allows for an incredibly high resolution, capturing every nuance of the original artwork. This results in a print that is virtually indistinguishable from the original, offering a depth and realism that is unparalleled in other types of art reproductions.
  • Exclusivity and Value: Due to the high-quality materials and technology used, Giclée prints are more expensive to produce, but this also adds to their exclusivity and market value. Artists often choose Giclée printing to create limited edition runs, thereby enhancing the collectibility and potential appreciation of the prints.
  • Versatility: Giclée printing is highly versatile, accommodating a wide range of media and sizes, from small prints to large-scale reproductions. This flexibility makes it ideal for artists who wish to offer high-quality reproductions of their work.

The premium quality and lasting durability of Giclée prints justify their higher price point, making them a favored choice for serious collectors and enthusiasts seeking to invest in art that retains beauty and value over time.

The term "archival prints" refers to high-quality reproductions that are designed to resist degradation and preserve the artwork's color and detail over an extended period. These prints are made using materials and techniques that meet rigorous standards for longevity and durability.

All Surrealium prints are crafted on the highest quality archival paper, specifically the Hahnemühle Photo Rag. This paper is a 308 GSM matte archival paper with a slightly textured surface. Hahnemühle Photo Rag is renowned for its ability to hold color and detail, making it an ideal choice for preserving artworks in their original glory for generations.

Key Features of Archival Prints:

  • Material Quality: Archival prints are made on paper that is acid-free and lignin-free, preventing the yellowing and deterioration common in lesser quality papers.
  • Ink Durability: The inks used are pigment-based rather than dye-based, which are more stable and less likely to fade when exposed to light over time.
  • Longevity: Archival prints are rated to last without significant fading or quality degradation under typical indoor display conditions for 100 years or more.

Using Hahnemühle Photo Rag for our prints at Surrealium ensures that each piece not only meets the high standards of archival printing but also provides our collectors with artworks that remain vibrant and intact through time. This commitment to quality supports the value and longevity of each print, making them prized additions to any collection

While Surrealium embraces a host of contemporary techniques, including generative technologies and AI, it's not entirely accurate to describe our artworks as being 'generated'. Our creative process typically starts with initial sketches and depth maps that set the foundation for the envisioned piece. Our artists may begin with traditional sketching or painting on canvas, setting the stage for the artwork's journey.

From there, our art pieces undergo an extensive evolution, averaging 4000 iterations, before reaching their complete form. Post-iteration, they are intricately refined with digital pen and brush, allowing for detail adjustments and colorization to realize the artist's vision. Finally, the artwork is brought to life on select 308 GSM Hahnemühle archival paper with Giclée printing technology, which sprays millions of ink droplets, ensuring premium quality. 

Recognized as the pinnacle of printmaking, Giclée is the gallery-standard for premium prints, celebrated for its superior archival quality, color accuracy, and longevity. This ensures that every Surrealium artwork is not just a print, but a lasting piece of collectible art.

Yes, Surrealium offers worldwide shipping. Each order is typically dispatched within 48 hours and arrives within the same week it's placed. Plus, we're pleased to provide shipping at no additional cost. Whether you're across the ocean or just around the corner, you can enjoy our art without worrying about extra fees.

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